An Eviction Guide for Landlords

Achieve Success as a Landlord

Answers, Advice, and Legal Forms for Individual Landlords

Landlord Guidance is a website to help individual landlords achieve success by providing them with resources and forms such as Standard Rental Lease Agreements, Rental Applications, and Eviction Notice Forms. Being a successful landlord takes knowledge, skill and confidence. It starts with acquiring the right property (your money is made or lost when you buy the property, you know) and then managing it the best manner possible.

Managing Tenants is the Key to Success

After you have the right property, getting the right tenant is the next key to success, and then managing that tenant is key after that. There are certain principles in managing a tenant that you must learn if you are to be successful. For example, do not accept late rent without a late fee, and do not accept partial rent payments. At the lease signing you must always make clear to the tenant that rent is due on a certain day, or else eviction proceedings begin. Let’s be realistic: the reason your tenants will pay you the rent on time is because of the threat of eviction. Just like people in general take action to either gain pleasure or avoid negative consequences, tenants pay rent o time to get to keep living in your property. As a landlord you will eventually need to evict a tenant. If it is your first time, you will be emotional and frustrated. But once you calm down, please realize that the situation is in your favor. You have laws to protect you.

Need an Affordable Eviction? You Just Found It.

Using the resources on this site, you can save a ton of money on evicting your tenant. Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands with an attorney, you can usually (not always, but usually) evict your bad tenant for much less. Our attorneys have researched the eviction laws for your state, written an article on the eviction process for your state, and have created the proper eviction notice form for you to use. Our forms are effective and usually result in your tenant complying with your demand or moving out voluntarily. We provide most eviction forms for free, along with our affiliate partners who offer free eviction forms as part of a free trial.

Eviction Notice by States

Choose the state where your rental property is located:

AlabamaIndianaNebraskaRhode Island
AlaskaIowaNevedaSouth Carolina
ArizonakansasNew HampshireSouth Dakota
ArkansasKentuckyNew JerseyTennessee
CaliforniaLouisianaNew MexicoTexas
ColoradoMaineNew YorkUtah
ConnecticutMarylandNorth CarolinaVermont
DelawareMassachusettsNorth DakotaVirginia
GeorgiaMinnesotaOklahomaWest Virginia

Need a Good Free Rental Lease Agreement Form?

The lease agreement you use needs to conform to the laws of your state, and it needs to protect you. There are many requirements to make it work correctly. We provide a Free Standard Rental Lease Agreement Form, and we offer state-specific Free Residential Lease Templates through our affiliate partner’s free trials.

Lease Agreements by States

Choose the state where your rental property is located:
AlabamaIndianaNebraskaRhode Island
AlaskaIowaNevedaSouth Carolina
ArizonakansasNew HampshireSouth Dakota
ArkansasKentuckyNew JerseyTennessee
CaliforniaLouisianaNew MexicoTexas
ColoradoMaineNew YorkUtah
ConnecticutMarylandNorth CarolinaVermont
DelawareMassachusettsNorth DakotaVirginia
GeorgiaMinnesotaOklahomaWest Virginia

Tenant Screening

Check out our page on how to properly screen tenants. To be successful as a landlord you must have tenants that take care of your property and pay the rent on time. That means checking credit, criminal history, rental history and income verification. From that page you can check out our partners that will affordably screen your tenants for you in a secure fashion.

Be Careful of Some Legal Form Websites

Other sites out there will sell improper or outdated eviction forms or residential leases for every state. That is a recipe for failure. Our eviction forms are state-specific, meaning our lawyers have tailored each state’s forms to be specific for that state.

Be a Successful Landlord – Learn More and Earn More

We also frequently run promotions giving away free forms to help you become a more successful landlord. We also have our attorneys write articles on our Landlord Blog. Don’t forget to check out or Landlord Glossary to learn key terms that you need to understand to be a success. Thank you for visiting Landlord Guidance. Now go be a successful landlord! -The Landlord Guidance Team